Real Numbers

It's a horizontal line where each point corresponds to a real number, with zero in the middle and positive numbers to the right, and negative numbers to the left.

Examples of real numbers:

  • Integers: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Fractions: 1/2, -3/4, 7/5
  • Decimals: 0.25, -1.75, 3.14159 (π)
  • Irrational numbers: √2 (square root of 2), √3 (square root of 3), π (pi)
Note:  Real numbers are widely used for many purposes in software development across multiple domains. Here are some common use cases

  • Data Representation: Real numbers are used to represent continuous data in software applications. Real numbers, for instance, may be used to represent physical quantities like temperature, velocity, or position in scientific simulations.
  • Machine Learning and Data Science: Real numbers are widely used in dataset processing and analysis algorithms in machine learning and data science.
