Magento Directory Structure
When we are starting development in magento there're few things should be essential to know directory structures. There are some files and folders must keep in mind. 1.. htaccess: mode_rewrite rule, which are are prominent for the search engine url.There you can also find the website server and php directive will improve your Web site performance. 2..htaccess. Sample :basically, it is the back up of the. htaccess file. App directory contains the modules, theme, configuration and translation files apart from template files for the default administration themes and the installation. This is most important directory structure. 3. Cron.php: Define the time period will ensure that the Magento caching system will not affect the website. 4. Downloaded: This directory store the websites perspective files. Like images, pdf,.doc Microsoft office. Etc. 5.index.Php: This is the main file of Magento this file first excecute when magento run. 6. Index.Php.Sample: It is the backu...