Php's Error Reporting
The Error -reporting directory determines the reporting sensitivity Level Sr.N Error Level Description 1. E_All All error and warning 2. E_COMPILE_ERROR Fatal compile time error 3. E_COMPILE_WARNING Compile time warning 4. E_CORE_ERROR Fatal erros that occure during php's initals start 5. E_CORE_WARNING Warning that occur during php's inital start 6. E_DEPRECATED Warning regarding use of feature scheduled for removal in a future php release(introduced in php 5.3) 7. E_ERROR Fatal run-time error 8. E_NOTICE Run- time notices 9. E_PARSE Compile -time parse error 10. E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR Near-fatal errors(introduced in php5.2) 11. E_STRICT Php version portability suggestion(introduced in Php 5.0) 12. E_USER_DEPRECATED Warning regardi...